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Itasca County Transportation

Transportation Service Providers in Itasca County, Minnesota


Disclaimer: Each transportation provider has its own ride scheduling and route information. Please click on the providers website or use contact information to plan your ride. In a region as rural as ours, your transportation needs might be fulfilled by one lone provider or by a combination of several.


Arrowhead Transit


Dial a Ride service for Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, and St. Louis counties
Rides Scheduled-Call office or see route schedule online
Type of Vehicles: wheelchair accessible buses
Volunteer Drivers for Non-Emergency Medical Rides only
Rides scheduled: Scheduled by insurance company or call office 24-hour notice required 
Types of vehicles-Non-wheelchair accessible vehicles



400 River Rd #1, Grand Rapids, MN 55744

Volunteer Driver serving residence of Itasca County 60 years or  older
Rides scheduled- Call or schedule on the website 24 hour notice
Type of Vehicles-non-wheelchair accessible vehicles *Can transport a wheelchair, but client must be able to transfer and bear weight with stand-by assistance.


Download May app or call 211

​Rides scheduled-Free, on-demand rides. Use the app or call 211

The 18-month goMARTI (Minnesota’s Autonomous Rural Transit Initiative) deployment will cover nearly 17 square miles and include approximately 70 pickup and drop off points in the city of Itasca.

Type of Vehicles- Fleet of five May Mobility autonomous vehicles, including three wheelchair-accessible vehicles. 

Leech Lake Transit

218 335-7290 or 1-800-442-3909 ext: 7290

Fixed bus route with service to Leech Lake Reservation and Itasca County. Routes to Bemidji and Grand Rapids.
See website for route information.
Type of Vehicles: Wheelchair accessible bus

© 2021 Arrowhead Regional Transportation Coordinating Council

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