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Koochiching County Transportation

Transportation Service Providers in Koochiching County, Minnesota


Disclaimer: Each transportation provider has its own ride scheduling and route information. Please click on the providers website or use contact information to plan your ride. In a region as rural as ours, your transportation needs might be fulfilled by one lone provider or by a combination of several.

Arrowhead Transit


Dial a Ride service for Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, and St. Louis counties
Rides Scheduled-Call office or see route schedule online
Type of Vehicles: wheelchair accessible buses
Volunteer Drivers for Non-Emergency Medical Rides only
Rides scheduled: Scheduled by insurance company or call office 24-hour notice required 
Types of vehicles-Non-wheelchair accessible vehicles

Big Woods Transit

1-888-757-1540  (office hours)

5344 Lake Shore Drive Nett Lake, MN 55772

Fixed Route and Dial a Ride service for Nett Lake-Virginia, Nett Lake-Orr, Nett Lake-Cook
Rides scheduled- Call office
Type of Vehicles: Wheelchair accessible buses

Volunteer Driver Services call office

City Cab & Van Service


Taxi cab servicing International Falls area
Ride scheduled-Call office
Types of Vehicles- Non-wheelchair accessible vehicles

Koochiching Aging Options-Senior Wheels


1000 5th St, International Falls, MN 56649

Volunteer Driver servicing Koochiching residents 55 years or older.
Ride schedule- Call office
Types of Vehicles: non-wheelchair accessible vehicles

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